Sunday, May 1, 2011


Think of someone you love. What is it you love about them? (If it is their looks you will get over that soon enough). You really love the heart or soul or spirit of that one. You love the spiritual capacity of that one to love you in return. You love their gifting or talent. You are not in love with that mole on their back; and not in love with their character flaws: especially the self-centered side of them as you perceive it . NOW think of some things you love: there's music, animals, food, nature, and your sexuality to name a few. CONGRATULATIONS! You are in love with the mind and heart of God! He thought of and created all these things. You may not be in love with the "self-centered part of God" . The part of God that demands your obedience to submit to HIS plan of reconciliation. But you are in love with His mind- the mind that gave you the capacity to choose acceptance or rejection of His way; your own free will. What do you like on your sandwich? You are free to choose. Isn't it a beautiful thing? Who could have thought of such a great idea? I know! - God! Perhaps in seeing the flaws of loved ones or our ideas about God we are revealing our own greater self-centered flaw- our own inability to love unconditionally. Can you grow in your ability to love another human unconditionally? Congratulations! You are now acting like God. Now complete the cycle- love God unconditionally!

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